14 July 2009

procrastination techniques

my to-do list has grown marvelously long over the last few days. since i'm leaving for nc state on sunday, all of it has to be done before then. fun. of course i naturally find ways to procrastinate. i will list a few examples:

1) why is watching the tour de france so awesome? every morning, i wake up, make coffee, flip on the tour, and watch that day's stage play out on the tellie. phil liggett has to be the best commentator ever - somehow he makes a multi-hour bike ride incredibly interesting.

2) wii fit is a great way to start or end every day. getting 30 minutes of banked time takes a good hour, tho. i have also acquired rockband2 for the wii, which can suck time like no other. but i've found there's nothing quite like wailing on the drums to release a little tension!

3) i just finished reading "the way of the peaceful warrior" by dan millman. totally enjoyed that book - a challenging book, but in a feel-good way. that combo is a rarity to me.

4) facebook gets more time than i would like to admit. when one truly wishes to procrastinate, it is the go-to site fer sure. maybe i should de-activate my account until sunday.

5) arsenal!!! i never get sick of reading the latest gossip on my gunners. (and soon, so very soon, i will be once again blessed with live games every weekend...)

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