27 July 2007

last day of class

i gave my kiddies their final at 9:15 this morning to kick off the final day of class for the summer. believe it or not, i'm going to miss them - i had a good bunch of kids this time around. actually, i don't think i've had a bad bunch of kids since i started teaching. damn i'm lucky!

just for fun i gave the kids a pop quiz yesterday in class. exactly zero of the questions were math related in any way, but a few of them did have numbers as answers - for instance, the ones asking "on average, how many minutes late was erin to lecture every day?" or "how many recitations did dave miss?" i got some pretty funny answers for both, like "4 minutes, or 11 minutes before i was gonna leave" and "as many as i would have liked to". well met - they get bonus points for that. the quiz put them in a good mood for studying for the final, too, which was kinda the point. i also tried to ease their pain this morning by baking cinnamon roll bread for them - hopefully it made the test a little more palatable...

in other news, we tied our outdoor soccer game last night. that may not sound like much, but considering we only had 8 players, they had around 20, and we were playing full-field 35 minute halves, i'd say it's damn impressive we managed to tie. i actually think we played a ton better being pressured like that because we were forced to play smarter. and i played defense for the first time in my life and didn't totally suck. dave kicked total ass up front, even sprinting at the end of the game when the rest of us were hard-pressed to do anything over a light jog. he paid for it later tho when he started cramping up on the drive home... poor dave...

1 comment:

Hashim said...

Thanks Erin for everything. I can't believe that I was lucky enough to have you for both Summers. You are a great teacher. Good luck in your game tonight and tell me if I can play with you guys in the outdoor games!
