03 August 2009

week one, day one

today begins my training regimen for the moab other half on october 18th. i love how the first day doesn't even start with a run - it's a "strength/stretch" day. so mary and i went to a nia class this morning and then i'm going to spinning tonight.

nia was pretty darn fun, i have to admit. think aerobics/jazzercise with the "dance" parts being more akin to Isadora Duncan-esque pretend-like-you-are-child-let-your-body-move-like-a-flower-in-the-wind mixed with earthy feel-the-groove tribal rhythms. kind of a world-ish version of jazzercise. upside: i sweat like north carolina for a solid hour. downside: not quite sure if it did anything? i left with a fair bit of energy still, but maybe that was the point? dunno...

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